Mid Norfolk – MK1 FK First Class Seats Refurbishment

An example of the skill set of the staff at Grinsty Rail Interiors was demonstrated during the refurbishment of 14 triple seat assemblies for Mid Norfolk Railway Preservation Trust. The seats were collected from the Trust and needed a lot of “tender care”. Once the seats were back on site in Giltbrook and we started stripping them down, the full extent of rework became apparent.

There was what appeared to be a lot of water damage to the seats, and a lot of the side panels were damaged beyond economical repair. Following a reverse engineering project to develop replacement side panels, and cushion/seatback/seat base covers using Camira fabric (www.camirafabrics.com) the seats were restored to their former glory and delivered back to the Trust for fitting back into the vehicle, on time and to the agreed specification.


We specialise in production and refurbishment of transport & leisure seating.


We specialise in the design, manufacturer and service of electrical equipment in a number of sectors including for example the Railway Industry.

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